Sahaja Yoga – Ganesha Tattwa ganesha mandir mein

Top 10 hidden facts about Ganesha Tattwa ganesha

Extracto de video de la charla de Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi sobre el Ganesha Tattwa.

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Lord Ganesha stands at the threshold between desire and reality, and unlike other Gods and Gods of the Hindu pantheon, he requires no action to make things happen. It is by his mere presence that things are allowed into reality without hindrance or obstacle. In this sense, he represents our own feminine nature: that of allowing consciousness to flow and desires to manifest.

In the text, Lord Brahma reveals to Vyasa the key to composing the Ganesha Purana. He divulges two secret mantras that reward one with not only spiritual enlightenment, but material success as well. In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna says, ‘All purposes served by a small well can at once be served by a great reservoir of water.’ Lord Ganesha contains the material and spiritual worlds in His belly. He is that great reservoir. When one is self-realized, there is no doubt of complete success, because one realizes that there is really no difference between the material and spiritual. It is only a matter of perception. This incongruity is rectified by either using an object for sense gratification or in the service of God. If one remembers the Lord in all of their undertakings, surely the finest outcome can be expected.

Ganesh Chaturthi or Vinayak Chaturthi is one of the most wonderful and widely celebrated Hindu festivals that celebrate the rebirth of the same deity. It falls between the months of August and September, according to Hindu calendar which is considered to be the month of Bhadra. The festival lasts for ten days starting from the fourth to the fourteenth day of the waxing moon period. It is celebrated with great fervor and zeal all over India…

Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated all over India as the birthday of Ganesha, the god with the elephant head. Traditionally, on this occasion, various pujas are organizaed at various places including households. Modak is given to devotees as ‘Prasad’. Milk is also offered to idols of Ganpati that are kept at homes, temples and places of social gatherings.

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